As a kid, I used to dream about setting a lemonade stand outside my house. Of course, I lived in a very busy street in Mexico City so it was impossible to make my dream come true. That was not the same for this particular boy, though. He was having a hard time selling lemonade until he came up with the brilliant idea to offer “free wifi” at his house with a lemonade purchase. It’s no surprise that his dad was not a happy camper when he realized what was going on. But hey, at least XFINITY’s internet is powerful enough for all of those devices.

Cuando era niña soñaba con tener un puesto de limonada afuera de mi casa. Claro que vivía en una calle súper transitada en plena Ciudad de México, así que fue imposible cumplir mi sueño. Pero ese no fue el caso de este niño en particular. La estaba pasando fatal tratando de vender limonada hasta que se le ocurrió la brillante idea de ofrecer “wifi gratis” con su compra. Sobra decir que su papá se puso furioso cuando se dio cuenta de lo que estaba pasando. Pero al menos el internet de XFINITY es lo suficientemente poderoso para soportar tanto dispositivo. 

Client: Comcast — XFINITY

Product: XFINITY Internet

Idea: Promote XFINITY’S reliable internet connection by having a boy give out free wifi with purchase of lemonade at his lemonade stand. All kinds of people are seen at the boy’s house using their devices.

Media: Social Media. Facebook/Instagram


General concept for social media:

  • Adapt the original TV spot to social media.
  • Produce a 12-week long campaign to run exclusively on XFINITY Latino social media channels.


  • Copy for all posts in both Spanish and English.
  • Hashtag use based on Spredfast information.

Visual direction.

  • General direction for visuals.